Modeling a better future
Milliman analytics solutions

Predictive Modeling

Advanced analytics for a changing industry
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Milliman Health Cost Guidelines
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Milliman PRM Analytics
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Redefining the science of insurance risk assessment
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Milliman analytics insight

White paper
Medicare's Kidney Care Choices (KCC) Model: A focus on Comprehensive Kidney Care Contracting (CKCC)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) are both very costly and impact a significant portion of the U.S. population.

An essay on using costs in health technology assessments
A robust approach to modeling costs is necessary for a health technology assessment to accurately describe a medical intervention
Research Report
Milliman Medical Index
Read our latest analysis of healthcare costs in the U.S., including prescription drug and employer contribution trends.
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The story behind the Milliman Medical Index
The importance of understanding the full cost of healthcare—and how and where costs are increasing.

The progression of value-based healthcare in the Middle East: From data to payment adjustors
This paper examines implementation of value-based healthcare and how it can link to quality outcomes.
Milliman analytics products
Milliman Commercial Reimbursement Benchmarks
Procurement management
Milliman Payer Network Check
Healthcare analytics
Insurance risk assessment
Healthcare cost modeling
Health Cost Guidelines Suite
Medical underwriting
Milliman Medical Underwriting Suite
Healthcare risk adjustment
Milliman Advanced Risk Adjusters
Benefit plan evaluation
Research reports
Milliman Supplemental and Specialty Research
Medicare Advantage benchmarking
Milliman MACVAT (Medicare Advantage Competitive Value Added Tool)
PPO network study
Dental Actuarial Analytics (DAA)
Medicare plan selection solution
Medicare Suggest
Healthcare cost modeling
Dashboard for Research, Insight, and Validation of Experience (DRIVE)
Healthcare cost modeling
Milliman Health Trend Guidelines
Employer reporting
Milliman DEPTH
Healthcare cost modeling
Individual Medical Underwriting Guidelines (IMUGs)
Claims processing and data analysis
Milliman Health ClaimsRef
ACO analytics
Milliman ACO Builder
Cost-saving analysis
Milliman Specialty Pharmacy Insights
Digital health and wellness
Milliman RapidHRA
Price transparency analytics
Milliman Price Transparency Solutions for Payers and Providers